Thursday, February 26, 2009

Do’s and Don’ts of Internet Dating

The To-Do List of Online Dating
1.Be as specific as possible.
Your profile is hands down the most important part of finding love online.Be honest
2.Check and then double-check your grammar, spelling, and punctuation
3.Keep the lies to a minimum
Revealing things about yourself that are not true is another major online mistake.
4.Use a fairly recent picture.
5.Provide only a cell phone number
Failing to protect your privacy is another common mistake that is made by a lot of people. Remember that people often go online in order to steal your information and use it against you. Some people will hurt you online. So, making sure that you do not reveal your phone number or other personal information to someone too quickly, and making sure that your profile photo does not give any clues to your identity or location is a great idea.
6.Date within a 25-mile radius
7.Meet publicly and make sure someone
knows where you are

One common mistake that people make when they are single internet dating is that they reveal too much about themselves too soon. Nobody likes it when a random stranger comes up to them at a party and reveals their whole life story. Same thing online.

The Don’ts List of Online Dating
1.Don’t stay online too long before a meeting
2.Never online date on an office computer
3.Beware of juggling too many people at the same time.
4.Don’t rely on humor or sexual innuendo
Don't be shy also, flirt using the virtual "kisses" and "smiles" and so forth and feel free to be a bit naughty as it shows confidence which is attractive to both men and women. Remember this is not about focusing on one person but building a large list of possible candidates and narrowing it to only the few that you really want to see in person as that is the only way to be sure.

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